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Certified Arborists


It is our goal is to ensure the growth of your trees for many years to come. Our ISA Certified Arborists are specially trained to provide you knowledgable, trustworthy tree care with that goal in mind. 



We are 100% insured up to $5,000,000; providing you with a worry-free experience when we are on your property. When you receive an estimate from us there will be a copy of proof of insurance attached, so you are not left guessing. 

As current members of the Indiana Arborist Association and the International Society of Arborculture, we continually train to keep our team updated on current industry news and standards. This allows us to provide you with scientifically-based tree care. 

Why Hire a Certified Arborist?

An arborist, by definition, is an individual trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining individual trees. Arborists are knowledgeable about the needs of trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. 


Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns. Well-cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.


-International Society of Arboriculture

(219) 462-6400

© 2023 by Spaulding's Tree Service, Inc.

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